Wednesday, August 15, 2007

now i LIKE her like her

ever since my sister-in-law winn turned me onto neko case with the song deep red bells i've found her voice and her lyrics hauntingly beautiful and addictive. some peeps call her 'country noir'. anyways,earlier in the evening we watched a neko case live concert on HDTV we were entranced and speechless. i mean, some people are good on albums but rare is the musician who is better live than in the studio. she was heartbreaking. her voice does this thing i can only cheesily describe as if she takes you over the rainbow. such an amazing (thanks winn for turning us onto her to start with!) singer songwriter. makes you want to take big deep breaths, it's like tumbleweed through your heart. her website is full of all sorts of good stuff, including quirky illustrations. if you don't know her music and want to check it out, have a listen to 'star witness' here and then think, she only does it better live

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